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Title: Preventing Direct Lightning Strikes
Author: Roy B. Carpenter, Jr., Peter Carpenter
Source: 2022 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 2022
Abstract: Protection against direct lightning strikes has been a subject of controversy since the days of Benjamin Franklin. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin introduced a lightning strike collection system. Subsequently, it became known as the Franklin System, and the more contemporary name is the lightning conductor, air terminal or lightning rod. Shortly after its introduction, a controversy developed between those who believed in sharp pointed rods and blunt rods. Since both of these views lacked a physical foundation or statistical data at that time, the debate continued until very recently. The effectiveness of the Franklin System of stroke collection has been questioned for over 100 years. Again, because there was no foundational physics, minimal test data or organized statistics presented to justify the manufacturer claims, they continued in use because of the lack of alternatives, other acceptable standards or political reasons.

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