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Title: The Fluke Direct Voltage Maintenance Program
Author: Les Huntley
Source: 1984 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.(Fluke) is a manufacturer of electronic test and measurement equipment, including state of the art meters and calibration equipment. Besides its manufacturing facilities, Fluke maintains a system of technical service centers to provide support for the operation and accuracy of its products. Until recently the accuracy of DC voltage standards was maintained by shipping a service centers set of saturated standard cells to the Fluke Primary Standards Laboratory for certification. With the introduction of the 5440A Direct Voltage Calibrator, specified at 4 ppm relative to the Legal Volt, the accuracy maintained in the Fluke Technical Centers by this means is no longer sufficient. The Fluke DVMP was implemented to provide traceability at the 1.0 ppm to 1.5 ppm level in Flukes and customers facilities around the world

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