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Title: Environmental Considerations Of Entering A New Service Territory
Author: John C. Place
Source: American Gas Association 2000
Year Published: 2000
Abstract: One of the strategies of a gas utilitys marketing department is to grow the business by expanding its service and distribution system into new service territories. In 1994, 41 percent of the State of Wisconsin was unfranchised territory, not served at all by natural gas. The primary reason was that this area only accounted for 7 percent of the states population or roughly 210,000 households. Therefore, when recent projects to enter unfranchised areas have been proposed, it is usually the first time that someone considered them to be economically feasible and marketable for gas service. Since many of these projects can be characterized as marginal, one must consider all of the environmental aspects of the project which present a real risk to the financial success of the project. This paper presents environmental considerations that were considered in two such projects completed by Wisconsin Electric-Gas Operations (WE-GO).

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