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Title: The Distribution Serviceman And Accurate Measurement Panel(
Author: Walter F. BOHLS,R. V. PATTERSON,HARRY P. Telle Weem
Source: 1970 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: The distribution serviceman has a great amount of influence on the accuracy of measurement of natural gas sold to customers. This fact may not be too frequently recognized, but the impact of this individual can be better recognized when, for example, a review of gas sales in one metropolitan area reveals that distribution servicemen handle and install the meters which measure 70% of the volume of gas sold, which in turn represents 84% of total gas revenues. This information emphasizes that a considerable amount of training effort is justifiable and necessary in order to assure the fact that servicemen are aware of the effect of their actions on the cash register. Some of the most frequently discussed subjects in this type of training are handling meters, installing meters, reading meters, communication, sizing meters, serving pressures, and defective meters. The most emphasized topic seems to be proper handling of meters.

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