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Title: Microfluidic Devices For Gas Flow Control
Author: Eliphas Wagner Simes, Rogerio Furlan, Dong Ho Choi
Source: Flomeko 2000
Year Published: 2000
Abstract: This paper is focused on the study of microfluidic devices implemented in silicon. Microactuators with no moving parts, microfluidic amplifiers, were integrated with microchannels. The operation of the obtained devices was analyzed in terms of gas flow control and division. Considering flow control, the devices presented proportional and symmetrical behavior with high proportional flow gains (output flow/control flow), similar to fluidic amplifiers with supply hydraulic diameters higher than hundreds of microns. For operation with flow division, a transition to a linear behavior between the supply flow and supply pressure is observed and the devices presented symmetrical output characteristics. Also, in this case, at moderate supply pressures, the results of numerical simulation indicate the possibility of internal choked flow, at the output of the supply nozzle, and supersonic regime in the interaction region.

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