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Title: Squeeze-Off Of Large-Diameter Polyethylene Pipe
Author: Gene Palermo, Karl Gunther, Daniel Van Deventer
Source: American Gas Association 1990
Year Published: 1990
Abstract: The proven cost savings of targe-diameter polyethylene pipe was an important factor driving Washington Gas to utilize 8 and 12 IPS polyethylene in 1986 and 1987. However, it was crucial to obtain a suitable flow-control mechanism before the use of this pipe could commence. The only flow-control mechanism for repair at that time was to do a squeeze-off, and the units that were available were either too heavy and bulky or did not possess sufficient strength to be able to accomplish squeeze-off quickly. The pipeline suppher worked with a toolmaker to develop a better squeeze-off tool that would be capable of accomplishing these tasks. The Washington Gas Light Companys Materials Testing Lab (MTL) then extensively tested the squeeze-off unit and found it to be acceptable for flow control of 8 and 12 IPS polyethylene pipe.

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