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Title: Flow Measurement With Microfluidic Oscillators
Author: Eliphas W. Simes, Rogerio Furlan,Marcos T. Pereira
Source: 2002 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2002
Abstract: This paper describes the project and development of a microfluidic oscillator, which can be used in measurement and control applications with low flows of fluids. The possible applications include rapid measurement and control in areas as automatic control in industries, measurement in domestic gas storing, and chemical or biological flow mixing and analysis, among many others. In this case, the devices should possess easy maintenance, easy manipulation, and rapid response time. The device described in this work presents potential to address all these requirements. Thus, in this stage of this project, microfluidic oscillators were simulated using the commercial ANSYS 5.7 package with a two-dimensional finite element model and devices dimensions derived from those of a typical wall attachment microfluidic amplifier (control nozzle width of 50 micrometers). The results of these calculations indicate that steady-state and dynamic transient analysis are useful tools for evaluating fluidic oscillator systems in micro dimension range.

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