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Title: Designing An Acoustic Filter To Reduce Pulsations In Metering Applications
Author: Larry E. Blodgelt
Source: 1990 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1990
Abstract: There is a definite need on many occasions to decrease pulsations in the pipmg associated with orifice meters. This task has been the primary domain of acoustical piping designers who have had both theoretical and practical field experience in such areas. And it is always best to take advantage of such expertise when it is available. Most filters designed by novices are not effective and are costly to operate because of pressure drop losses. There are many small compressors such as well-head gathering compressors that cannot justify the cost of a thorough acoustic analysis in order to protect the nearby orifice meter from excessive pulsations and accompanying square root error. This paper will make an effort to demonstrate design procedures related to a specific type of acoustic filter to be used to reduce pulsations in metering applications. The specific filter is a symmetrical in-line low-pass filter.

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