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Title: Use Of Measured Fluid Property And Eos Modeling For Accurate Multiphase Flow Meter Phasewatcher() Operation
Author: Suyu Ye, Nikhil Joshi, Dennis Dcruz, Clay Young, John Nighswander
Source: 2005 South East Asia Flow Measurement Conference
Year Published: 2005
Abstract: The Multiphase Flow Meter (MPFM) PhaseWatcher has been successfully used in field operation for different purposes: well testing, fiscal monitoring, or as permanent component of well installation. MPFM PhaseWatcher uses dual-energy spectral gamma ray / Venturi technology (Fig. 1) to measure multiphase fluid flow rates. The total mass flow rate is measured based on the pressure drop at Venturi section. The fraction of each phase is determined by dual-energy spectral gamma ray attenuation. Fluid properties are required to determine the individual phase flow rate these include the density and nuclear attenuations of oil, water and gas at line conditions, and formation volume factor of each phase to convert the flow rate from line condition to standard condition.

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