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Title: Direct Measurement Of Energy, Description Of Equipment, Methods, And Calculations
Author: Thomas E. Sowell
Source: 1996 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1996
Abstract: Why measure total gas energy as opposed to volume at base conditions? It is a matter of economic fairness. With open access to pipelines and the right to negotiate gas contracts on an interstate or even international basis. Heating values, (the overall quality of natural gas), has become an additional variable to factor in the usage of gas as a commodity. In the past gas quality was relatively constant due to the chain of custody linking a particular field or fields to particular customers. Open access has radically changed that concept. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) now mandates custody transfer to be accomplished on an energy basis. This effectively adds calorific value as another variable in the calculation of billings for custody transfer.

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