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Title: New Ideas In Low Flow Measurement
Author: Wayne T. Lake
Source: 1980 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: In order to appreciate accurate measurement at very low flow conditions, the parameters that control metering must first be understood. Then, in order to achieve a high degree of accuracy, these parameters must be dealt with in such a manner that their effects are minimized. This undertaking has been somewhat neglected In our field due to simple economics. As it is much more economical and easier to reduce errors on 100 MMSCFD station than on a 100 SCFH station. This paper deals primarily with ideas for solving low flow problems with conventional orifice metering equipment. I have limited it to this for two reasons, first is my limited knowledge and second is my first hand experience of failures of delicate devices due to all of Kurpheys Laws.

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