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Title: High Pressure Pilot Operated Regulators
Author: L. E. Eige
Source: 1950 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1950
Abstract: t as industry is indeed fortunate, because for the e gas distribution system it is easy to adopt relay i type of controllers, sometimes called pilot reguj order to obtain better and improved automatic . c o n t r o l . The reason for this is simply that ?as eal operating medium, and is always available t standard pressures. Its cost as an operating : to the gas industry is not prohibitive. Relay opera t o r s , such as the Wizard, are. therefore, particuptable to the gas industry. Although the use of not as widespread in the so-called Appalachian n the Mid-Continent area, the Central West and : Coast industry, the gas industry as a whole is - r ? better and improved pressure control, which can d only through such types of devices.

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