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Title: Decommissioning & Entry Of A 290,000 Bbl LNG Storage Tank
Author: John D. Murphy
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: The widespread use of liquefied natural gas storage tank facilities has necessitated the development of procedures for decommissioning to effect reparis and retrofit work under safe conditions. The purpose of this paper is to present our experience and involvement in such an undertaking. During the latter part of 1975 Citizens Gas & Coke Utility approached POM with an operational problem. Citizens Gas had recently experienced a large evolution of gas commonly called rollover at their peak shaving plant located in Indianapolis, Indiana. This facility, constructed by PDM and commissioned in 1972, comprises a 290.000 BBL LNG storage tank, liquefaction and sendout systems. The LNG tank (Figure 1) is a conventional double wall tank with suspended deck.

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