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Title: The Development Of Pressure Pulse Provers For Gas Meters
Author: Theodore A. St. Clair, Howard H. Holmes
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: Historically, the standard for adjusting or testing the accuracy of meters has been the volumetric deplacement bell prover. We have seen many developments take place over the past several years in the programming and automation of the bell itself the sensing of the meter index (usually photoelectric devices) and the meter test result reading (digital display or printout.) All of these improvements have been automated substitutions of the old familiar manual bell proving, the sequence being: (1) filling the bell (pressure proving), (2) locating a meter index start point, (3) refilling the bell to a defined zero starting point, (4) running a check or open lest, (5) recording the bell displacement, (6) refilling the bell and zeroing, (7) running a second test at another specific flow rate and recording the results of this second test.

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