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Title: Natural Gas: Its Role In The Drive Toward Domestic Energy Self Sufficiency
Author: F. Donald Hart
Source: American Gas Association 1974
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: In these challenging times, our industry needs the full-out effort of highly qualitied and dedicated individuals, and it also needs the collective cooperation and coordination which a large active section. such as the Operating Section, and a large conference of this nature provides. Our foremost consideration, without a doubt, is the question of supply. Where is the gas we need to provide continued reliable service to nearly 41 million customers? How can we get it? How soon? And at what cost? I certainly cannot qualify as a prophet, but I can offer an update on major trends and developments in the hope that we can get some feeling of our industrys future. As you probably know, proved natural gas reserves have continued to decline. The A.G.A, Committee on Natural Gas Reserves reported recently that the proved invenlory dropped 6% last year-the fifth decline in the past six years. The only plus year during this period came in 1970. when proved reserves in Alaska were included for the first time.

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