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Title: Economics Of Liquefaction Aboard LNG Tankers
Author: E. E. Reed
Source: American Gas Association 1976
Year Published: 1976
Abstract: As with any other major engineering project, an ocean Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) transportation project involves a series of decisions where several options are available. These can vary all the way from the type cargo containment system to the type fabric for the upholstery in the accom modal ions. The list is almost endless. One of the decisions that must be made sooner or later is how to refrigerate the cargo. To date this has been narrowed down rather easily on how to handle ihe boil- off. In contrast with the transportation of the heavier liquefied petroleum gases (LP-gas), the decision to date has been to use the boil-off for fuel. However, this decision has often involved considerable study, for example, varying the insulation system to change the quantity of boil-off. One alternate that is often considered is the liquefaction of the boil-off.

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