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Title: The Characteristics Of The Straight-Tube Coriolis Flowmeter For Different Lateral Vibration Modes
Author: Joe Kutin, Ivan Bajsic
Source: Flomeko 2003
Year Published: 2003
Abstract: 1. INTRODUCTION The Coriolis meter is used for measuring the mass flowrate and the density of fluids. Its operation is based on the alteration of the mode shape and the natural frequency of the vibrating measuring tube. This paper is focused on the configuration with a straight and slender measuring tube. In most cases such Coriolis meters make use of the fundamental, i.e. the first lateral vibration mode. However, the higher vibration modes are also under the influence of the same measuring effects, so they can, in general, also be employed. An interesting possibility is represented by a simultaneous application of two or more vibration modes. The measuring results from the additional modes can be used for correcting or identifying undesired effects on the meters operation. As an example, see the patent document 1, which suggests the possibility of eliminating the fluid-pressure effect by taking account of its different influence on two modes

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