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Title: Techniques For Controlling Stray Current Caused By Direct Current Electric Railways
Author: Elmer C. Paver
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: One of the oldest methods of applying cathodic protection to underground structures is the use of stray current from direct current electric railway surface lines and subway systems. Adversely, however, some of the pipeline losses have been from the inadequate and improper control of these vagabond currents. Northern Illinois Gas Company has four electric railways passing through its territory. I will attempt to show how we use the stray current from one of these railroads to protect cathodically our pipelines and other structures in the area. First I will explain how stray current from direct current electric railways will cause pipe to decompose or corrode. This type of corrosion usually is classified as electrolysis of underground structures. Electrolysis is defined as chemical decomposition by an electric current.

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