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Title: Preventive Maintenance In Rotating Machinery Using Vibration Analysis
Author: George A. Colby
Source: American Gas Association 1978
Year Published: 1978
Abstract: Many companies and machinery manufacturers are using a simple technique to detect hidden rotating machinery trouble before failure can occur and in time to schedule necessary repairs. Mechanalysis, a registered trademark, is the name given this technique by IRD Mechanalysis, Inc. It works this way. Each kind of trouble - unbalance, misalignment, bad gears, worn bearings, defective spindles and mechanical looseness - produces vibration in a unique way. Mechanalysis uses a machines vibration and noise to determine what is wrong while the machine operates. This paper describes the portable vibration analysis instrumentation, guidelines and preventive maintenance procedures developed by IRD that are being utilized throughout industry to insure quality products and uninterrupted machinery operation. In addition, a new quick diagnostic technique utilizing the machines pulse or vibration signature to pinpoint mechanical defects is discussed.

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