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Title: Various Methods 0F Telemetering In Gas Distribution
Author: Bill Reyner
Source: 1980 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: Telemetering, a means of receiving information from a distant point, and telemotor (remote control) a means of causing motive force to be applied at a distant point, have been utilized by the gas distribution industry for many years. Some of the advantages are: Conservation of manpower and transportation expense. Reduced Unaccounted for Gas loss. Readily available distribution system information. With the ability to see and change conditions at strategic locations, one operator at a central location, can efficiently operate a relatively large distribution system. Being able to meet changing load requirements in a timely and efficient manner allows the distribution to be operated at a lower average pressure, reducing unnecessary gas loss. And information such as pressure and flow being continually indicated, and recorded if necessary, is readily available to operation and engineering personnel, facilitating the task of modifying, enlarging or repairing the distribution network.

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