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Title: Spread Spectrum Systems For Efm And Scada
Author: Jim Gardner
Source: 2011 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2011
Abstract: As oil and gas companies work toward greater automation and e-business solutions, the challenges of getting real-time, reliable data from remote locations continues to be one of the greatest hurdles. Today, there are many fine choices in electronic flow measurement (EFM) and remote terminal unit (RTU) equipment available. There also are many fine bug free software programs to archive, audit, and display the collected data. The single biggest problem remains communications. It is a commonly held belief that over 80 percent of all SCADA system problems are communication failures. To further complicate the problem, the FCC-licensed radios systems that have been the backbone of the SCADA and telemetry business for many years are becoming hard to come by. In many areas, there are no more licenses to be had. Because of the saturation of existing licenses, the FCC has re-farmed licenses to create smaller broadcast areas, less bandwidth and smaller frequency variations allowances

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