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Title: Purging LNG Tanks Into And Out Of Service Considerations And Experience
Author: Carl C. Hanke, Jr., I. V. La Fave, L. F. Litzinger
Source: American Gas Association 1974
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: The purging of LNG tanks in and out of service requires experience, knowledge and involves many considerations. Predictable results in purging operations are of great importance to operators and owners of LNG facilities. To date, on a world-wide basis, some 100 LNG tanks have been placed into operation safely, providing broad experience under a wide variety of conditions. Also, to date, a number of LNG tanks have been purged out of service so that repairs or modifications could be safely undertaken. Companies who have been responsible for purging have used, effectively, the guidelines established in the American Gas Associations 1954 book. Purging Principles and Practice, which also appears in an abstracted form in the A.G.A.s more recent publication, Gax Engineers Handbook, as Chapter 14.

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