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Title: Carbon Monoxide In The Gas Industry: Emergency Response And Prevention
Author: Paul E. Pirro
Source: American Gas Association 1999
Year Published: 1999
Abstract: The natural gas industry has done a lot to bring the death toll from carbon monoxide poisoning below 50 deaths per year in the past decade 1. As the public and emergency responders gain knowledge about carbon monoxide and recognize the hazards, the casualty rate may continue to drop as a number of CO incidents caused by negligence may be eliminated. Emergency response training is important to prepare responders to mitigate the CO hazard and perform a thorough incident investigation to prevent recurrences. Call-takers should be trained when to recognize severe CO problems during the questioning process, Emergency response is most effective when a CO investigation instrument is available. It becomes the responsibility of CO detector manufacturers, appliance manufacturers, fire departments, gas utilities and oil and propane dealers to heighten community awareness about the hazards of CO.

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