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Title: The Uncertainty Of A Waterdraw Calibration Vs. Gravimetric Calibration On Small Volume Provers
Author: Gary Cohrs
Source: 2017 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2017
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to review the history, techniques, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages and the uncertainty comparison between gravimetric and t he traditional water draw method of prover volume calibrations by NIST certified volumetric field test measures, focusing on high precision captive displacement flow provers, known more commonly as Small Volume Provers or SVPs. Since the introduction of the SVPs almost 40 years ago, SVPs have gained widespread acceptance and use in the petroleum industry, and are the prover of choice for a large number of applications. Because of the SVPs precision, advances in weighing equipment allowed for more precise calibrations with much less uncertainty. This fact was recognized by both people in the industry and National and International standards organizations. The American Petroleum Institute Manual of Petroleum Measurements Chapter 4.9.4, and NIST SOPSVP15Nov-06 have defined standards for gravimetric displacement flow Prover calibrations.

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