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Title: Pressure Regulation As Related To Underground Leakage And Consumer Service
Author: C. H. Cleveland
Source: 1940 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1940
Abstract: One of the major problems of gas distribution is pressure rcguiation, but only in the 3ast scen nr eight years has it been given the consideration it deseres by the industry. Economic conditions, and the very rapid increase in the use of automatic pilot controlled appliances, have been the principal factors in bringinR the gas industry to a realization of the importance of accurate pressure regulation. It is my desire to point out some of the practical problems of pressure regulation, as encountered in every day sas transportation and distribution. The conventional gas pressure regulator is constructed to maintain a constant pressure at the regulator outlet, and does so, within reasonable limits. Consequently, Ras flow supplied to a transmission line, or into a distribution system, through a pressure regulator, will have a constant jjressure at the regulator outlet, and with no flow of gas or demand on the line the irauge pressure aill be the same at all points on the line but with flow demand on the system, this condition changes, and a pres- ?are dro5 occurs at the terminal or load center of the system :iat is caused by friction as the gas flows through the confuit from point of entry into the system to point of de- - md or consumption.

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