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Author: Alex Ramsey
Source: 2022 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 2022
Abstract: Developing a balance for a natural gas processing plant is a critical step needed in a plants efficient, safe, and reli- able operation. At its core, the main purpose of a balance is to compare molecules coming in with molecules going out. Accurate balances benefit several departments as- sociated with a plant including operations, measurement, accounting, environmental, safety, marketing, schedul- ing, and business development. Having an accurate and thorough balance of systems and sub-systems allows all concerned groups to account for products entering and leaving each system of interest. Gas extracted from the Marcellus and Utica shale forma- tions can be rich with natural gas liquids (NGL) that are processed and sold as individual purity products. NGL products are recovered from the raw natural gas by run- ning the gas through cryogenic process plants. Mixed NGLs containing ethane, propane, butane, and natural gasoline (pentane and heavier) are then run through ad- ditional processes that allow them to be separated into individual purity products. These processes, which cre- ate separate streams with varying compositions, create a need to balance plants to ensure all products are ac- counted for, which provides other troubleshooting tools to address system inefficiencies.

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