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Title: Fundamentals Of Pneumatic Controllers
Author: Jeffrey J. Spence
Source: 1987 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1987
Abstract: Prior to the miniaturization of electronic components which use electricity as their functioning medium, there was a more practical medium in use for the process control arena - air. This is not to say that pneumatics have disappeared in lieu of microprocessor technology, they havent but pneumatics have begun to sag slightly due to the relative cost and functionality of electronic controllers. However, there are many advantages to pneumatics that sustain their survival. a) Pneumatic systems are inherently safe in volatile conditions - no barriers, no explosion-proof housings, and no air-conditioned control rooms are necessary. b) Pneumatics are easily repairable at the parts level, not at the functioning component level. c) Confidence factor - pneumatics have been around for 50 years. d) Most plants have air-actuated valves already installed - no signal conversions necessary and air compressor and dryer already exist.

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