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Title: Field Experience With Charts, Pens And Ink
Author: Michael D. Beall
Source: 1984 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: Charts? Pens? or Ink? Which are more important? This is a question which has been asked many times in the past and has become an Important issue in todays gas measurement. The performance derived from each of the above is critical to the accuracy for gas measurement. If the question were posed, Which of the three Is the most important?, what would be the answer? The answer could only be that each is equally important, and to have an extremely good inking pen and poor chart paper, would achieve overall poor results. The same is true if the paper used was of the best quality, the pen chosen was also of the same quality and the ink was inferior - old or contaminated, the end result would be failure of all three. This should show that your choice of each of the above, charts, pens and ink, should be carefully considered, and that all variables concerning location, temperature and humidity should influence your decision on which type of each is right for your specific application.

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