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Title: Orifice Fittings And Meter Tubes
Author: Darren Schwarz
Source: 2009 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2009
Abstract: The desire for accurate measurement of flowing fluids and methods used to achieve that objective date back many, many centuries to ancient Roman and Chinese civilizations. Equipment and methodology developed over time has brought us a variety of measurement devices with specific capabilities to cover a wide range of fluid flow measurement needs. In many modern applications, the differential or head meter is still the device of choice. Differential meters commonly exist today in the form of venturi, flow nozzle and flat plate orifice meters. For comparison, a brief overview of venturis and flow nozzles will be presented but for the purposes of this presentation our attention is directed primarily to orifice meters and the configurations commonly used today. Regardless of the type, in the overall metering system these devices are typically referred to as the primary element.

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