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Title: Sampling Inspection Methods For Radiological Surveys
Author: R. J. Tuttle, G. Subbaraman
Source: 1994 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1994
Abstract: Following cleanup of a radioactively contaminated facility or site, surveys must be performed to demonstrate compliance with regulatory release limits and guidelines. Surveys produce measured estimates of residual radioactivity at selected locations. Rarely can these locations provide complete 100% coverage of an entire affected area, and the effectiveness of the survey as a basis for judging the acceptability of an area can be improved , over the comparison of results with limits, by the use of statistical interpretation. Two methods of survey interpretation are presented end compared. One method is based on an extension of sampling inspection by variables, as currently presented in ANSI/ASQC 21.9-1980, and has been used in several decommissioning projects under both NRC and DOE jurisdiction. The other method is that presented in NURBG/CR- 5849, which draws on EPA approaches to confirming the acceptability of an area. These methods are explored in terms of measurement techniques, effort required, statistical basis, and interpretation. Specific examples are provided.

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