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Title: The Challenge Of Providing Integrated Measurement A Nd Allocation Service Remotely A( Case Study)
Author: Charlie Johnson Paul Daniel David Crockett
Source: 2014 South East Asia Flow Measurement Conference
Year Published: 2014
Abstract: his paper describes the challenge of providing an Integrated Measurement and Allocation solution to the fields operated by two Joint Operat ing Companies (JOC) offshore Vietnam where they share an FPSO facility. A JOC is a prod uction sharing entity that is made up of local and international companies in Vietnam. JOC A has fields in an adjacent block to the field of JOC B. The JOCs share an FPSO initially l eased for the production of JOC B. As the FPSO facility was designed to be dedicated t o JOC B there were no Fiscal/Custody measurement facilities on the platforms of Fields B . It was therefore necessary to provide metering as close as practicable to custody transfe r quality on Field A to satisfy the partners in each field grouping that they would receive a fa ir and equitable share of the production

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