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Title: Chromatographic Analysis Of Natural Gas Liquids Class 209
Author: Rick Baggett
Source: 1999 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1999
Abstract: The chromatographic analysis has become an integral part of the measurement process. Two methods of analysis most commonly employed in the gas industry today are GPA Standard 2177, Analvsis of Demethanized Hydrocarbon Liauid Mixtures Containing Nitroen and Carbon Dioxide bv Gas Chromatomahv, and GPA Standard 2186, Tentative Method for the Extended Analvsis of Hydrocarbon Liauid Mixtures Containimz Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide bv Temerature Promunmed Gas Chromatomauhv. This paper will provide an overview of GPA Standard 2177 and GPA Standard 2186.

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