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Title: Cathodic Protection Vs. Pipeline Casings
Author: m. D. Orton
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: Historically there has been disagreement between pipeline operators and highway and railroad commissions regarding the need for pipeline casings at highway and railroad crossings. In the early 1960s there were several papers published which questioned the need for casings at every crossing. Both mechanical and corrosion aspects were considered. The general consensus was that pipelines could be designed to withstand mechanical stresses safely without casings and that casings could, in fact, interfere with the abilily to maintain adequate corrosion control on piping within casing. At about the same time, FGandE removed a transmission pipeline from a casing to repair a leak. When our investigation began we found the end seal removed and the excavation and annular space between pipe and casing filled with water. The casing was adequately insulated from the pipe but it was not known whether the casing was bare or coated or how long the casing annulus had contained water.

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