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Title: District Regulators And Load Distribution
Author: J. R. Julian
Source: 1965 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1965
Abstract: District regulators and load distribution compose the two basic parts of a distribution system. Those of us who are responsible for the design, operation, and maintenance of a distribution system do not hastily agree on the design of a system in that there are such wide-range variations. It is not the intent of the writer to specify any particular design or method of operation. A subject which is as broad as this should be kept general, and it is hoped that it will be of interest to all distribution personnel. Our company operates in a territory bounded by Araarillo and Pampa in the northern part of the Texas Panhandle, extending south to Midland, Big Spring, and Brady, Texas. This territory consists of transmission and distribution operations. Our highest peak days are in the summer months due to irrigation well engine load. We serve, at this time, approximately 26,400 irrigation wells along some 3,000 miles of transmission lines

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