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Title: Performance Of A Self-Adjusting Gas Turbine Meter
Author: Winston F. Z. Lee
Source: 1986 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: Self-adjusting turbine meters have been used for high accuracy custody transfer gas flow measurement since 1980. Each of these meters has a free running sensor rotor (placed downstream of the main or conventional rotor) which senses and responds to changes in the exit angle of the fluid leaving the main rotor. The difference and the ratio between the main rotor output and sensor rotor output provide the meter with the unique and outstanding capabilities of self-correcting and self-checking for upstream swirl and change in retarding torques. Moreover, through its microprocessor based electronic readout, the application of the unique logic using the criterion of its normal range of output ratio between main rotor and sensor rotor greatly improves the meters performance under many non-steady flow conditions. Recently, self-adjusting turbine meters have been performance tested under various conditions of operation by Gaz de France, British Gas, and Northern Natural Gas of U.S.A. This paper presents some of this test data to demonstrate the unique and outstanding performance of a self-adjusting turbine meter.

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