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Title: Optical Power Meter Calibration Systm, Model MT9501
Author: Russell C. Pepe
Source: 1988 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1988
Abstract: The MT9501 Optical Power Meter Calibration System is a system designed for the calibration of optical power meters. It can calibrate the optical power meter indicator and sensors independently or combined as a system. The IG?9501 includes a voltage and current generator, stabilized light sources, a reference optical power meter indicator and optical power reference sensors. A thorough discussion of optical power meter calibration techniques using the MT9501 will be rendered herein. An optical power transfer technique utilizing an optical fiber in addition to a collimated light beam will also be presented. Furthermore, the traceability program for optical standards in the United States through the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) will be paralleled to the traceability program in Japan through the Electrotechnical Laboratories (ETL) and the Japan Machinery and Metals Inspection Institute (JMI).

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