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Title: Energy Conservation Of Fuels Fleet Study Of Methods For Saving Fuel
Author: J. m. Lane
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: At the May. 1975, EEI-AGA Transportation Meeting in Los Angeles, California. Jr. James K. OHara, the Detroit Edison Company, presented a paper relative to what our utility industry was doing in an attempt to reduce the consumption of motor fuel. The conclusions that were developed after analyzing the responses from the fleet managers in the utility area were as follows: 1. Primary attention is being given to the individual operator in the area of trying to conserve fuel. 2. That there is a definitive increase in the use of compact cars. 3. The utility fleet managers do look to the manufacturers to determine the fuel economy devices that should be incorporated into their vehicles. 4. That little is being done in the area of changing current maintenance practices to increase mileage and fuel requirements. 5. Changing specification for reducing vehicle weight or specifying different engines for fuel economy purposes is generally not being done. 6. The use of exotic add-on devices to obtain maximum fuel economy is not being done.

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