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Title: Overall Measurement Accuracy
Author: Howard W. Berghegger
Source: 1975 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: The subject title is one of many which would have been applicable, such a s: Do Your Measurement Books Balance? Does Your Sales Volume Your Purchase Volume? Are You Selling All The Volume Youre Entitled To? Do You Really Have Good Measurement? If you can honestly answer No to the above, then it will be beneficial to explore a few basic reasons for the problems which still plague the gas industry. When the word measurement is mentioned, the majority of the gas industry measurement personnel automatically convert their thoughts to meter . The meter itself only contributes 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 to the total measurement picture depending on the application. Measurement Metering + Regulation + Instrumentation + Rate Structure Unfortunately, natural g a s , the basic commodity being handled, is a compressible fluid, changing i ts volume with changes in temperature and pressure but not always uniformly depending on the composition of the gas and the pressure and temperature at which it is being handled. Normally, the simple gas laws can be used for correction factors but a l s o deviation factors must be applied, called supercompressibility or superexpansibility factors. These factors are based on the chemical composition of the gas and for the actual flowing temperature and pressure experienced at the meter.

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