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Title: Large Capacity Gas Regulators
Author: J.M. Kruse
Source: 1975 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: The definition of a large capacity regulator is often difficult to formalize. There are many types of regulators which could be classified as large capacity. This discussion will be concerned with the conventional double ported regulator. The double ported balanced valve regulator is probably the most commonly used style of regulator labeled as large capacity. The large capacity is also often classified as high pressure due to the function of the restriction. The restricting element is positioned by an operator to permit equal flow into and out of the downstream system. The capacity of a restrictor is a function of the pressure differential across that restriction, therefore, the higher the pressure differential across the restrictor the greater the capacity for a given size restriction. The capacity will increase until sonic flow occurs. Sonic flow is the point at which the gas velocity reaches the speed of sound, and occurs when the outlet pressure absolute is approximately half the inlet pressure absolute. The three basic elements of a gas regulator are a restricting device, measuring element, and a positioning element. The restricting element is a variable which by its position governs the amount of flow. The measuring element transmits the signal which is to be maintained and a loading element provides the power to properly position the restricting element. When properly positioned, the outlet pressure will be maintained. If the restrictor is open too far, the outlet pressure will increase and if closed too far, the outlet pressure will fall off. The large capacity high pressure regulator attempts to maintain the outlet pressure design parameters until the maximum capacity of the restrictor is obtained.

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