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Author: Mark Firmin
Source: 2022 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 2022
Abstract: Experience throughout the natural gas industry indicates that the sample handling system is by far the greatest source of the errors and problems that negatively impact the accuracy and reliability of process analyzer systems. The emphasis and effort applied toward ensuring proper design of the sample handling system should be commensurate with its status as the greatest source of both problems and errors. In the past, the general perception of sample handling is that it is a mysterious art to be avoided by most, practiced by few and mastered by none. A comprehensive collection of fundamental concepts, sound principles and best practices are presented to help make the design of sample extraction and preconditioning systems less of a mysterious art and better aligned with good engineering practice. Some art remains in the form of judgement calls, the balancing of pros and cons, choices guided by experience gained by trial and error.

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