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Title: Acoustical Filter Design
Author: Henry W. Poellnitz
Source: American Gas Association 1991
Year Published: 1991
Abstract: Acoustic filters are used to dampen flow pulsations generally caused by reciprocating compressors. Measurement inaccuracies attributable to pulsating flow are recognized as a major problem in the natural gas industry. The phenomenon of square root error (SRE) in orifice measurement has been discussed for more than twenty years, but only recently has technology made it possible to develop equipment that can accurately measure SRE by use of a square root error indicator (SREl). An acoustical or pulsation filter normally consists of two volume bottles, or chambers, interconnected by a choke tube. This paper presents one method for designing a symmetrical low pass acoustical filter for meter station installations. The compressor station acoustical filter design is not addressed in this paper, but the basic concepts and equations are the same.

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