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Title: 1970 Communication Revolution For Customer Service
Author: John K. Dahlberg
Source: American Gas Association 1970
Year Published: 1970
Abstract: President Roosevelt was going to meet Churchill in the North Atlantic and they were going to set up the Atlantic Charter. Churchill was on one of the big naval ships in the North Atlantic, and he wanted to have all the top admirals and generals of the world on the ship so they had to toss off all the lower grade men in the Navy that were normally part of the ships complement. The only one they kept on the ship was a second class signalman. They had set up a signal code system consisting of a radio message setting up the rendezvous. The second class signalman was the only one who was to handle this message at the radio shack. They sat him down in the shack to wait for this message. This 19-year-old signalman had never seen so many stars. Then suddenly out of the vastness of the night came this signal which started the key to go Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep-Beep, The kid actually froze to the key. The Admiral finally said, Speak man Speak. What did the message say? The kid gulped and said, Well Sir, it said Beep-Beep-Beep- Beep-Beep.

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