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Title: Time-Temperature District Gas Regulators
Author: Chas. D. Peterson
Source: 1945 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1945
Abstract: This discussion will be confined to the construction, operation, and use of district gas regulators to whicli have been applied temperature boosting and time control equipment. District Gas Regulators are classified as those regulators which supply gas to the low pressure system ot a town, this low pressure is that which is required for the low pressure gas-burning equipment of domestic and industrial users. Such district regulators may have as low as one or two pounds on the inlet, but usually this inlet pressure is about five to fifteen pounds. Higher inlet pressures are sometimes encountered but they are the exception rather than the rule. The low pressures delivered to the appliances rarely are less than four inches of water and usually are in the range of tour to eight ounces but may, in some cases, be slightly less than four ounces and occasionally get up to pressures as great as fourteen to sixteen ounces. Usually in a town of any size, there are two or more regulators operating in parallel and taking the gas from the high pressure or intermediate pressure system and feeding gas into the common low pressure and inter-connected system. Each regulator takes care of the gas load or demand in the domestic or indu

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