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Title: GAIN-What Makes It Work
Author: J. Robert Hudson
Source: American Gas Association 1986
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: The fundamental strength of GAIN comes from the servicemen -or, more appropriately in todays work environment, from the service persons. Those highly skilled and motivated individuals are blessed with the opportunities, along with a burning desire to provide the highest level of appliance safety and performance, to play their key role in the GAIN program. They initiate the communications link through their GAIN reports. The service persons make GAIN work. The service supervisors and trainers make GAIN work. Their corporate mission to ensure the highest level of energy service to our customers provides a natural vehicle to encourage optimum participation in GAIN by ail of the service persons working today in eighty of the gas utilities across the nation. We also enjoy participation by the LP gas industry, adding their eyes and ears to the GAIN program.

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