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Title: Auditing Gas Measurement And Accounting Systems
Author: Stephen T. Stark
Source: 2003 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2003
Abstract: Beginning sometime in the early 1980s, gas measurement and accounting system auditing became somewhat more complex as electronic gas measurement (EGM) and other computer-based technology arrived on the scene. Before that time, measurement auditing was often little more than verifying chart integration and wading through piles of field test slips looking for missed orifice plate changes, incorrect gas quality information, and unnoticed calibration adjustments. Today, gas measurement auditing is more complicated than ever before as gas companies rely on high-speed communication and computer networks to gather massive amounts of information required in todays fast-paced energy industry. Flow rates, total energy, pressures, temperatures, gas quality, flow factors, meter performance data, and a lot more is Included in this enormous information mix.

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