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Title: The Basics Of Pressure Pulse Proving
Author: William S. Follin
Source: 1982 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1982
Abstract: A discussion of the theory and practical application of Pressure Pulse Proving equipment to the gas meter shop operation. It has been learned through extensive testing of both 3 and 4 chamber positive displacement gas meters that the energy absorbed to operate a meter has a fixed wave form for each particular meter. This wave form represents differential pressure across the meter. Also, it has been determined that this waveform is extremely repeatable from one cycle of the meters mechanism to the next. Each cycle of the meters mechanism represents a portion of a cubic foot of gas by design. If a particular meter required 9 revolutions per cubic foot, then one revolution of a perfect meter would be equal to 1/9 of a cubic feet.

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