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Title: Fleet Leasing: Perspective Of A Lessee
Author: Vernley R. Rehnstrom
Source: American Gas Association 1979
Year Published: 1979
Abstract: In reviewing and preparing for this paper, 1 went back to the lirne frame of 1969-1970 when the company first utilized a fleet leasing arrangement. We in the utility business are all well aware of the changes in our industry in the last decade yet even this short time span has produced significant changes in operating revenues, construction programs and financing requirements. In our 1969 annual report, we reported that our three year 1970-1972 construction program would total S180 million. For our company, I can remember that we thought this was a significant program. But by contrast today, our three year 1979-1981 construction and nuclear fuel program will total 1.6 billion - almost 10 times as much. I dont think I need to mention that a significant portion of this increase reflects inflation, environmental considerations and regulatory costs.

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