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Title: Establishing A Development Program For Hydrocarbon Measurement Staff
Author: Richard L. Britton
Source: 2015 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2015
Abstract: With the downsizing of many energy companies in the 1990s, the impending retirement of many of the en ergy industrys expertise, the rapid advancement of tech nologies, and increased world demand for energy, th e development of technical talent within the energy i ndustry has become paramount. Nowhere is the need to develop talent more apparent than in the area of hydrocarbon custody measuremen t. With increased energy prices, inaccurate measuremen t of hydrocarbon transfers between suppliers and customers, and owners and transporters poses a substantially h igher financial risk to all parties involved. Addressing this need is substantially more complex than in many disciplines, as most of the skills needed in t his field must be acquired in the work place rat her than in a university or technical scho

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