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Title: Appalachian Energy Resources Are Vital To The Achievement Of Self-Sufficiency
Author: Jennings Randolph
Source: 1975 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: Greater utilization of our countrys naturally abundant energy resources can free us from dependence on the vagaries of foreign energ producers. We also need relief from the economic burden of long-term major balance-of-payments deficits. The right of individual choice as American citizens is important. On the eve of the 200th anniversary of the American revolution, the independence to determine the future of America - not just our energy future - is in jeopardy. The challenge is here. The challenge is now. What is needed is acceptance and a solid commitment to meeting our energy needs from domestic sources. Appalachia is blessed with abundant energy resources. As a prime Eastern source of domestic energy supplies, Appalachia can play a special role in achieving energy self-sufficiency. This is especially true for the wealth of coal, which will become increasingly significant in efforts to promote energy independence.

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