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Title: Development Of Simulator Training And Real Time Modeling
Author: A. Pringle
Source: American Gas Association 1991
Year Published: 1991
Abstract: The Consumers Gas Company Ltd., is the largest gas distribution company in Canada, servicing communities in Central and Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec, and Northern New York State. At the end of the fiscal year in September 1990, Consumers Gas served 1,058,447. Customers, the breakdown being 943,968 Residential, 106,957 Commercial, and 7,522 Industrial accounts. The Company has annual sales of 370 Bcf, and in January 1991, experienced a peak day sendout of 2.4 Bcf. While Ti-ansCanada PipeLines transports most of our supply through their northern system, volumes are also delivered through the Great Lakes system. Our storage facilities are located in southern Ontario, one being Tecumseh Gas, which is wholly owned by Consumers, and has a working inventory of 75 Bcf with a maximum daily withdrawal of 1.2 Bcf. Storage space of 20 Bcf is also purchased from Union Gas who transport all storage withdrawals, U.S. purchases and TransCanada PipeLines deliveries from the Great Lakes system, for delivery to Consumers market in Toronto.

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